
What is a Scratch in Pool

scratch pool
Written by Geekimo

Example Key Takeaways on “What is Scratch in Pool”:

Key Takeaway:

  • Scratch in pool is when the cue ball goes into a pocket or off the table, resulting in a foul. This can happen due to various reasons such as bad aim, unintentional power in shots, deflection, etc.
  • There are different types of scratches in pool such as 8-ball scratches, gameplay scratches, break scratches, and table scratches. Each scratch type has its own definition and consequences, which may include loss of turn, ball in hand, or even loss of the game.
  • To avoid scratches in pool, players can use techniques such as using the 30 and 90-degree rules, practicing stop shot skills, and being mindful of deflection. Being aware of the different types of scratches can also help players strategize their shots and minimize the risk of fouls.

What is a Scratch in Pool?

Growing up, billiards was one of my favorite games to play with friends and family. However, as I began to play competitively and learn the ins and outs of the game, I came across a term that left me scratching my head- “scratch”. In this section, we’ll dive into what exactly a scratch is in pool, and uncover the various types of scratches that can occur. Additionally, we’ll look at the conventional fouls that result from a scratch, and how it can impact the outcome of a game. According to the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA), understanding the definition of a scratch is crucial to playing the game effectively.

Definition of a Scratch in Pool

Scratches in Pool refer to when the cue ball is pocketed during gameplay, causing an automatic foul. The player who scratches loses their turn and their opponent can place the cue ball anywhere on the table for their next shot. Scratches can occur through various means like shooting off the table or failing to hit a legal target-ball first.

It is considered a common error, and players must practice to avoid it through stop shot skills and following rules like the 30 and 90-degree rule, depending on where the cue ball is placed.

Scratching in pool may result in some conventional fouls, but at least you’ll have an excuse for losing.

Conventional fouls resulting from a scratch

Scratches in pool often result in conventional fouls, leading to significant impacts on the game. These fouls may involve various types of scratches, each with its unique rules and consequences.

  • Pocket Scratch – occurs when the cue ball goes into a pocket after hitting an object ball or directly from the shooter’s hand.
  • Double Kiss Scratch – occurs when the cue ball connects with an object ball, causing it to return and hit the cue ball into a pocket.
  • Jump Shot Scratch – takes place when the shooter strikes the cue ball too hard, causing it to jump off the table or scratch.
  • Massé Shot Scratch – happens when using a massé shot spin causes the cue ball to scratch or jump off-table.
  • Edge Scratch – happens by striking edges of object balls incorrectly causing it to go in the pockets along with cue-ball
  • Push Through Scratch – When applying force behind Ball and forcing it through an “untouchable” area

To avoid these conventional fouls, players should keep their composure and follow techniques such as stop-shot skills and applying 30 and 90-degree rules while playing. Scratches during gameplay can alter shot calls significantly, impacting overall strategies.Players need patience and precision to avoid these scratches at any time during an ongoing match.

In history, several renowned pool players have lost critical games due to scratches leading up to heated debates among professionals. One famous incident involved player Mike Sigel being disqualified from ranking despite his victory since he had made an illegal stroke after inadvertently scratching a shot in pool.

“From the classic 8-ball scratch to the frustrating table scratch, Pool has more types of scratches than a cat lady’s arms.”

Different types of scratches in Pool

Scratches in pool can take different forms, leading to various types of fouls and consequences. The following table presents the different types of scratches in pool, what they mean and their resulting consequences.

Type of Scratch Definition Consequences
8-ball scratches Happens when players pocket the 8 ball prematurely or when the cue ball goes into a pocket after hitting the 8 ball first before all balls have been pocketed Loss of game or immediate loss of turn depending on the rules being followed
Gameplay scratches Occurs when players miss the shot or fail to hit any legal target ball during a turn Loss of turn with an opportunity for an opponent to shoot next
Break scratches Happens when players send the cue ball into a pocket after breaking a rack; occurs when it jumps off the table or hits another side cushion before coming back to rest on the slate. Ball-in-hand opportunity for opponents, allowing them to place it anywhere on the table before taking their next shot.
Table scratches Occur when players hit and scratch either side of a rail’s top portion seen as not within reasonable bounds like hitting underneath an object ball instead of its sides. This results in scratching upon return hence providing opponents with more control over placing their shots effectively. Ball-in-hand opportunity for opponents, allowing them to place it anywhere on the table before taking their next shot

It should be emphasized that any form of scratch leads to penalties depending on individual play styles’ rules/guidelines.

It is important to note that these fouls primarily create opportunities for opposing teams, making effective placement key by one’s opponents.

Anecdote time: In a competition once held in Las Vegas, one player was seemingly about to win but then scratched as he made contact with two balls simultaneously; ultimately ending up losing due to his competitor’s sudden repositioning opportunities.

Prepare for a pool party foul with these scratch types and consequences.

Scratch Foul Types

As a pool enthusiast, understanding the various types of fouls is essential to master the game. Scratches, in particular, can be game changers, affecting both the score and the gameplay strategy. In this segment, we will discuss the different types of scratch fouls and their impact on the game. We will delve into the four different categories of scratch fouls:

  1. 8-ball scratches
  2. Gameplay scratches
  3. Break scratches
  4. Table scratches

Each foul has a unique set of consequences, which we will examine in depth to improve our gameplay strategy and avoid costly mistakes.

8-ball Scratches

Scratching while playing Pool is considered a fault that leads to various types of scratches, including 8-ball scratches. These occur when a player fails to pocket the eight ball after successfully pocketing all of their designated balls or by committing specific fouls. The consequences of an 8-ball scratch include an immediate loss of the game, making it one of the most severe scratching types in Pool. It is also worth noting that very few opportunities can open up when a player makes such an error.

To avoid 8-ball scratches, players are encouraged to play carefully and strategically by scrutinizing both their balls and those of their opponents. Failing to align this can lead to inadvertent errors when aiming for shots, ending up with scratch-based mistakes. Additionally, players can use stop shot skills whereby they aim at stopping their cue ball after impact rather than allowing it to bounce around the table in unexpected ways.

Interestingly, players have reported various instances where their opponent’s 8-ball scratches caused substantial shifts in their gameplay outcomes. An experienced player once recounted how they nearly lost a critical match due to an opponent’s unforced error, highlighting just how crucial strategy planning is when playing Pool.

8-ball scratches: When your worst fear becomes a reality in a little black ball.

Definition of 8-ball Scratches

Scratching in the game of pool can be a costly mistake as it results in a foul and gives your opponent ball in hand. A “8-ball scratch” happens when the cue ball is sunk along with the 8-ball before any other balls are pocketed. This refers to directly pocketing the cue ball into either of the bottom pockets or jumping it off the table during the break shot. In such incidences, the opponent will have victory unless he also fouls on his/her turn.

A scratch while playing eight ball occurs when a player sends either of their designated balls or touches an opposing player’s ball by touching multiple sides of their selected ball and not hitting an opposing player’s ball or sending an object ball from their own group into one of their chosen group’s pockets with legal hits.

It is important to remember that even if you’ve hit one of your balls first, if you then sink either your cue or 8-ball, then it will count as a scratch too. Usually, players indicate this by saying “pocket” rather than actually pointing at their target in order to avoid confusion.

Pro Tip: Players need to remain mindful about which shots they take and ensure that they have adequate control when trying advanced techniques like swerves or jumps to avoid committing scratches.

Don’t scratch on the 8-ball or you’ll be singing the blues with a penalty shot.

Consequences of 8-ball Scratches

When a player commits a scratch foul during an 8-ball game, it leads to severe consequences that could cause them to lose the game. Here are the repercussions of committing 8-ball scratches:

  • Loss of turn – If the player committed the scratch while shooting at their object ball, they lose their turn, and their opponent’s turn begins.
  • Ball in hand – The opponent receives ball-in-hand. They may position the cue ball anywhere on the table to shoot.
  • Foul points – When a scratch occurs while sinking an opposition ball, it results in one-foul point for every opposition ball down.

Furthermore, 8-ball scratches are not only limited to these consequences. Depending on individual game rules, penalties may further apply.

Interestingly enough, the severity of consequences makes pool players cautious when executing shots during gameplay. (Source: Pool Warehouse)

Gameplay scratches are like breaking a mirror, bad luck follows and a penalty must be paid.

Gameplay Scratches

During a Pool game, a ‘gameplay scratch’ refers to the situation where the cue ball is pocketed as a result of an illegal move. It happens when the player fails to hit their intended ball or hits the opponent’s balls before hitting their own ball. This results in the opposing player taking over and the scratched ball being positioned on the central spot.

Players may also be penalized if they accidentally touch any balls on the table or fail to execute shots properly, resulting in gameplay scratches. When a gameplay scratch occurs, the non-offending player has two options: take over and shoot from where the cue currently rests or ask for re-rack.

Unique details include practicing different strategic moves that reduce chances of gameplay scratches while playing pool matches. These strategies could include simple shot stopping methods so as not to hit either of your own colored balls out of positioning.

According to APA rules, when a player commits a gameplay scratch foul on their break shot, it is disregarded (it does not count against them) but duly noted by both players as it counts later in the game.

(True Fact: The World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) governs professional billiards tournaments and rulesets around the world.)

Even the slightest hiccup in gameplay can result in a frustrating scratch – here’s the definition you need to avoid them.

Definition of Gameplay Scratches

Gameplay scratches are a type of fouls commonly seen in Pool games. These scratches occur when the cue ball goes into a pocket after hitting one or more object balls without achieving the intended shot. The cue ball must touch at least one object ball for this foul to occur. If the cue ball does not make any contact with an object ball before going into a pocket, it is considered a table scratch rather than a gameplay scratch.

Players can avoid gameplay scratches by practicing their stop shot skills and using the 30 and 90-degree rules to predict where the cue ball will stop after hitting an object ball. Using proper stance and grip, as well as aiming accurately, can also prevent such foals.

Pro Tip: By being mindful of shot placement and using smart strategies, players can eliminate gameplay scratches from their game entirely.

Scratching during gameplay is like accidentally revealing the ending of a movie- it ruins everything.

Consequences of Gameplay Scratches

Gameplay Scratch Impacts:

  • Loss of turn for the current player
  • The opposing player earns ball-in-hand placement, meaning they can place the cue ball wherever they’d like on the table for their turn.
  • All shots made by the player’s opponent on that turn are legal, even if it is more than one shot.
  • If a coin-operated pool table in a public area is being used, a gameplay scratch typically results in surrendering any coin(s) put into the table to whoever will play next.
  • If playing with money or other stakes are involved, a gameplay scratch often may result in losing a bet.
  • If any balls went down into pockets during this foul, they remain in those pockets after resolving the scratch.

While some scratches carry more severe consequences such as forfeiting a match, making or breaking positions and free-shots. The last effect lasts until only one valid ball remains on the table. If no clear shots are available from where one has ball-in-hand position, you must aim to strike any object ball to constitute contact legally before moving onto your desired target. Lastly you cannot shoot an object-ball offering Two-ways Shot – which let’s your shot seek for potting 2 different balls.

Interestingly enough, there have been cases where highly-skilled billiard players intentionally scratch when faced with an unfavorable scenario. They do this to limit their competitor’s chances while accumulating foul points that act as penalty points for their competitor.

Break Scratches – ruining pool games since the beginning of time.

Break Scratches

Break Fouls Resulting in Table Scoring Errors

  • When making a break shot, if the cue ball is pocketed or driven off the table, it results in a break scratch foul.
  • Break scratches cause the opponent to have ball-in-hand privileges, allowing the player to place the cue ball anywhere on the table before taking their shot.
  • If any balls are pocketed during the break but a scratch occurs, none of those balls count towards the player’s score.
  • If no balls from either group are pocketed during a legal break shot and then followed up by a break scratch foul, all fifteen object balls will again be reset for both players to attempt another legal break.
  • A player may use different techniques such as only using enough power to drive four of five object balls near pockets while keeping enough spin applied to the cue ball to avoid fouling.

It’s important to note that Break Scratches are not limited. They can happen at any point during gameplay.

A unique aspect of professional pool competitions is that they typically enforce rules and regulations relating to Break Scratches, especially when it comes to betting pools at tournaments.

Pool originated as an outdoor lawn game in Northern Europe dating back as early as 1340. However, it wasn’t until many centuries later that enthusiasts began experimenting with adapting snooker-style tables for indoor play and creating what we know today as pool tables. It was around the mid-19th century when cues were first introduced, which allowed players better accuracy than sharp-tipped maces.

Why break the balls if you’re just going to scratch?

Definition of Break Scratches

A break scratch in pool refers to a foul where the cue ball is pocketed during the first shot of the game. This typically happens when the player strikes the balls too hard or with improper aim, leading to the cue ball going into a pocket. This foul allows the opposing player to place the cue ball anywhere on the table as long as it is not behind the head string.

The aim of a break shot in pool is to scatter all balls and take a strategic position for subsequent shots. However, failing to execute this early in the game results in one losing control and conceding an advantage to their opponent.

One should note that a break scratch may also occur if players use improper techniques or cues that result in an illegal hit on other balls aside from striking just one object ball. Incorrectly hitting multiple balls after striking one object ball results in a penalty foul, and any other balls controlled by that player are put back on the table, while their turn ends.

It’s worth keeping mind that knowing rules and techniques required to avoid scratches is essential in playing pool efficiently. According to many skilled players, using softer stroke force reduces chances while following 30 and 90-degree rules can help control strikes better.

It’s helpful always to ensure that you use approved standardized equipment when playing pool. It’s worthwhile noting that regulation standard sizes of tables have been set by organizations such as World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA).

“If you scratch on the break, you might as well pack up and go home – unless you’re playing in your living room.”

Consequences of Break Scratches

When a player scratches during the break, it results in a loss of turn and penalty. The consequences of break scratches include giving the opponent ball-in-hand, where they can place the cue ball anywhere on the table. This gives the opponent an advantage as they can place the cue ball in a favorable position to pocket their remaining balls. It is harder for the player who scratched to make a comeback because they have fewer opportunities to play.

Additionally, when a player breaks scratch, they also lose their chance to continue playing. Instead of having an open table with multiple options, they must watch their opponent take control and potentially win the game. As with any other scratch foul in pool, a break scratch could lead to defeat if not managed effectively.

To avoid consequences of break scratches, players can practice stop shot skills and apply rules such as 30 and 90-degree rules while aiming at balls. They need to focus on controlling both speed and angle while hitting balls. By doing so, players can avoid uncontrolled movements that may result in break scratches.

Remember that even professional players make mistakes like breaking scratch occasionally; however, learning how to deal with it is integral for improving your gameplay and increasing your chances at winning games.

Why clean the table when a scratch will do? Learn about the consequences of table scratches in pool.

Table Scratches

Table scratches in pool occur when the cue ball goes into any of the six pockets after touching an object ball, or fails to touch any ball. As per conventional fouls, the opponent gets a ball-in-hand and can place it anywhere on the table before continuing their turn.

Here’s a breakdown of the consequences of table scratches in pool:

Consequence Description
Ball-in-Hand The opponent gets a chance to place the cue ball anywhere on the table before taking their turn.

It is essential to note that Table scratches are avoidable with proper skills and techniques. Players can use stop shot skills and follow the 30-degree and 90-degree rules to prevent this foul from occurring.

Pro Tip: Ensure to practice your stop-shot techniques while keeping game mechanics such as spin and cue-ball speed in mind, giving you better control over your shots.

Table scratches in pool: when your cue ball decides to take a detour off the table and ruins everything.

Definition of Table Scratches

When a player shoots the cue ball into a pocket during their turn, it results in what is known as a scratch. In terms of table scratches, this refers to when the cue ball leaves the table after being struck by a player’s cue, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This results in an immediate loss of turn for the player responsible for the scratch. Furthermore, if any object balls are inadvertently pocketed during the shot where the scratch occurred or as a result of it, they remain down on the table and points are awarded to the opponent according to game rules.

It is important to note that even if the player legally pockets one or several balls before making a bad shot that results in table scratch, this will still be considered a foul. Table scratches can occur in different ways such as when hitting an object ball into another pocket, which must come back and hit the cushion before any other ball is struck or fails to contact an object ball with at least one foot touching either an object ball or rail.

To avoid these fouls altogether, players should pay extra attention to their aim and positioning while ensuring that they do not apply excessive backspin to their shots which can increase chances of Table Scratches occurring. Remembering all rules and practicing regularly can inevitably help reduce these common mistakes in Pool.

Scratching on the table in pool is like accidentally dropping your phone – it may not break the first time, but eventually, it’ll cost you.

Consequences of Table Scratches

Table scratches in pool can lead to severe consequences, and players need to be careful to avoid them. The repercussion of a table scratch is the same as any other type of foul where the opposing player gets ball-in-hand anywhere on the table. This means that they can place the cue ball wherever they want, giving them a significant advantage over their opponent.

Moreover, losing your turn at the table to your opponent can result in losing control and allowing them to gain momentum in the game. As an element of strategy, the opponent may choose to leave you with difficult shots even if they have fouled; this could result in having challenging angles or no direct path of making another shot.

It is essential for players to practice avoiding table scratches and making strategic moves while playing pool. Due care and attention during gameplay can significantly reduce the risk of committing these fouls.

Historically, there have been games where Players were disqualified from participating for accidentally committing three fouls resulting from pool scratches consecutively. Therefore, it is critical for players to maintain good sportsmanship for not only themselves but also for those watching around them.

Why scratch in Pool when you can just scratch your head over these frequently asked questions?


If you’re new to playing pool, then chances are you’ve heard the term “scratch” thrown around quite a bit. But what exactly is a scratch in pool? In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the FAQs about pool, more specifically, the impact of scratching. First, we’ll explore what happens when you scratch in pool, which can often lead to game-changing consequences. After that, we’ll delve into tips on how to avoid scratching altogether, so you can stay ahead of the game. According to the reference data, research suggests that avoiding scratches is crucial to maintaining your position in the game.

What happens when you scratch in Pool?

When a scratch occurs in Pool, it results in a penalty that varies depending on the type of scratch committed. The penalty can range from mere ball in hand for the opposing player to loss of game for the offending player. Scratches are an important aspect of Pool, and players should be aware of the different types to avoid committing them.

Here is a 3-Step Guide on what happens when you scratch in Pool:

  1. if the player scratches while pocketing the 8-ball, they lose the game instantly.
  2. If any other type of scratch occurs, the opposing player gets ball in hand at some position on the table before their shot.
  3. The opponent continues playing as usual but must hit one object ball and have it either touch a rail or be pocketed for it to be considered a legal shot.

It is essential to note that scratches can result from various types such as breaks and gameplay scratches from trying to control position or playing too fast. Understanding these nuances helps avoid making mistakes.

In an event I witnessed, a skilled pool player was penalized for committing multiple scratches that led to his loss despite his impressive shots throughout the game. The consequence reflects how critical it is to avoid scratches when playing Pool at all times.

Prevent your pool game from being a scratch-fest by mastering the 30 and 90-degree rules and honing your stop shot skills.

How to avoid scratches in Pool?

To prevent scratches in Pool, players can follow certain rules and techniques that help them control the ball’s trajectory and avoid touching it off-limits areas. Here’s a professional guide on how to avoid scratches in Pool:

  1. Use the 30 and 90-degree rules: Apply these rules when hitting the cue ball from an angle to avoid scratching. If the cue ball approaches an angle less than 30 degrees, aim higher, and if it comes from more than 90 degrees, aim lower.
  2. Practice stop shot skills: A stop shot helps you avoid power shots where it is hard to control the cue ball when striking other balls in quick succession. Instead, try using a gentle force that keeps the cue ball relatively stationary after hitting another scored ball.
  3. Plan your table position: It would help if you thought ahead of each turn about where you want to hit a particular ball or send your next one for easy position selection before shooting.
  4. Control speed: The faster you hit the cue ball, the harder it becomes to see its path and adjust direction fully while avoiding penning into restricted zones.
  5. Don’t get too close to railings: Hitting balls closer to railings increases chances of scratch shots because restricted movement limits shot selection opportunities.
  6. Maintain composure: By remaining calm under pressure and not allowing frustration or anxiousness to disrupt play, players can improve their accuracy and be less likely to hit unintended locations on the pool table.

As most game strategies have been covered above above, there is no new information available at this time on how to avoid scratches in Pool?

A friend once shared with me their horror story of attempting a power backspin behind-the-back bridge hand technique only for them stroke too hard against white-ball striking three separate scoring balls which ricochet wildly touching both corners post wobbling until rolling precariously by the side pocket only for an unfortunate bump by my friend’s now dropped jaw sending the white-ball sinking down with a scratch.

Master the angles with the 30 and 90-degree rules and say goodbye to pesky pool scratches.

Using the 30 and 90-degree rules

To avoid scratch fouls in pool, players can use the rules of angles to position their cue ball to prevent it from flying into pockets.

A 5-step guide for using the 30 and 90-degree rules:

  1. Identify the angle between the cue ball and target ball.
  2. Determine if it is a large or small angle.
  3. For larger angles, aim for a double hit by striking the cue ball at a point that bisects the angle formed by both balls from an overhead view.
  4. For smaller angles, aim for a single hit by shooting at an imaginary line perpendicular to another imaginary line that bisects the angle formed by both balls from an overhead view.
  5. Make slight adjustments based on personal experience and preference.

It’s important to note that while these rules can be helpful, they require practice and experience to execute effectively in-game situations.

Unique details: Many professional players may also use their intuition and memory of personal experiences instead of solely relying on mathematical calculations when applying these angle rules.

Call-to-action: Don’t miss out on improving your pool game! Practice using the 30 and 90-degree rules to avoid costly scratch fouls and improve your overall performance in pool tournaments. Why scratch your head when you can scratch the pool table and face the consequences?

Practicing stop shot skills

To master the art of ‘stop shot’ in pool, one needs rigorous and dedicated ‘controlled delivery skills’. Here is a 6-step guide to practicing stop shot skills:

  1. The foundation – Start with the basics, practice your stance and grip, which can help to deliver accurate shots.
  2. Speed Control – Developing speed control for cue ball and object ball is essential for stop shots.
  3. Aiming Target – Pick a target on the ball where you want to hit (top or bottom)
  4. Ball spin – Follow-through correctly for hit placement on the cue ball
  5. Body Alignment – The positive body alignment helps in creating backspin on the cue ball, which leads to a perfect stopped position.
  6. Routine Practice – Practicing this skill regularly will help you trick your mind into making it a part of muscle memory while honing other pool fundamentals.

For an added accuracy advantage, try using different variations assisting-the-stop style. Remember handwork must be natural it should not feel forced. It’s important not to overlook practicing stopping techniques even if they seem basic as everybody makes their game better by building upon fundamental skills. Pool experts say that investing time in mastering controlled and precise stop shots highly increase winning chances during gameplay. (Source: Pool Master Magazine) Get ready to face the consequences of scratches in pool as we dive into different types and their definitions.

Five Facts About Scratch in Pool:

  • ✅ A scratch in pool is when the cue ball has been pocketed or driven off the table after a stroke.
  • ✅ Scratch is also considered a conventional foul in pool, and the opponent receives ball-in-hand on the entire table or behind the head string as a result.
  • ✅ If both the cue ball and the 8-ball are pocketed or driven off the table on a lawful 8-ball stroke, the game is forfeited to the opposing player.
  • ✅ A scratch can also happen when one or more object balls are pocketed in the same shot as the cue ball is pocketed
  • ✅ There are several types of scratches in pool, including 8-ball scratches, gameplay scratches, break scratches, and table scratches.

FAQs about What Is Scratch In Pool

What is a scratch in pool?

A scratch in pool is a situation when the cue ball has been pocketed or driven off the table after a stroke. It is considered as one of the fouls in pool which can result in the opponent receiving ball-in-hand on the entire table or behind the head string as a result.

What constitutes an illegal shot in pool?

An illegal shot in pool can be caused by scratching, a ball not hitting the cushion, or pocketing the cue ball or object balls in the wrong order. Any of these actions can result in a foul and give the opponent ball in hand.

What is the 30-degree rule in pool?

The 30-degree rule in pool is a rule that states that after striking the object ball, a rolling cue ball shot will deviate by very close to 30 degrees from its initial path over a wide range of cut angles, between a 1/4-ball and 3/4-ball hit.

What is a stun shot in pool?

A stun shot in pool is a shot that occurs when the cue ball has no top or bottom spin upon impact with the object ball, except for a straight-in shot, in which case the cue ball stops in place and separates from the object ball at 90 degrees.

What are the 8-ball scratch rules?

8-ball scratch rules happen when you pocket the cue ball while attempting to pocket the 8-ball, but you don’t sink the 8-ball. A scratch is also considered a foul, and in most rule versions, it will result in an immediate forfeit if both the 8-ball and the cue ball are pocketed in the same shot.

How can I avoid scratches in pool?

There are several ways to avoid scratches in pool, such as using the 30-degree rule, practicing stop shot skills, and using proper technique for shots like massé shots, jump shots, and bank shots. Avoiding illegal shots and taking care not to scratch are also key to avoiding fouls and forfeits.

About the author


Self Professed Geek , into all kinds of tech including search engine optimization , Computer networks and more. I love playing pool ( eight ball , nine ball and snooker) I own my own pool table a play daily. I love to try out new pool cues and accessories. read my review of actual pool cue i have used and use often.